World's Most Rare Cat Breeds

World's Most Rare Cat Breeds

With striking silver markings, the Burmilla cat breed is  glamorous!

With striking silver markings, the Burmilla cat breed is  glamorous!

Korat:This ancient cat breed is of Thai descent 

Korat:This ancient cat breed is of Thai descent 

Sokoke:Peaceful and calm

Sokoke:Peaceful and calm 

LaPerm:A soft and wavy coat makes this cat breed stand out

LaPerm:A soft and wavy coat makes this cat breed stand out

Turkish Van: Originally from Eastern Turkey

Turkish Van: Originally from Eastern Turkey

Cornish Rex:intriguing curly coat

Cornish Rex:intriguing curly coat

Chartreux:one of the cleverest breeds

Chartreux:one of the cleverest breeds

American Wirehair: New York born cat breed

American Wirehair: New York born cat breed

Peterbald:originate from Russia and have very large ears

Peterbald:originate from Russia and have very large ears

Norwegian Forest Cat: big, fluffy cat breeds

Norwegian Forest Cat: big, fluffy cat breeds