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Rabbits are one the most commonly found pet animals in Indian households, right after cats and dogs. People often prefer a cute little bunny for their children, as they are trendy among kids, harmless, and socialize quite easily. It’s overwhelming to pick the best one among several rabbit breeds.
Rabbits come in various sizes, shapes, colours, and behaviour. American Rabbit Breeder Association (ARBA) officially recognizes around 50 breeds of rabbits and 19 strains. It’s pretty challenging to choose a rabbit that would suit your family.
Of the 50 rabbit breeds worldwide, only a few are available in India. Among several famous rabbit breeds, finding a suitable one for you and your family is an overwhelming task.
Price of most popular rabbits in India
I usually spend my Sundays at my local pet market at Galiff Street, Kolkata, West Bengal, to keep myself updated on the price of rabbits.
Lionhead Rabbit
Lionhead rabbits are very popular. They have a wool mane encircling the head, reminiscent of a male lion, as its name implies. They can be easily trained because of their very friendly and well-behaved nature. After the cross between the dwarf-sized breeds, this new breed appeared. In contrast to this, these are the new little bunnies with a weight of 1.3 to 1.7 kgs. These small rabbits are known to be very intelligent and charming; that’s why they have become the favourite pets of many people worldwide.

- Lifespan: 8 years
- price in India: Rs. 2000
Blanc de Hotot
Blanc de Hotot, having a small, compact, heavily built body and black rings around each eye, is a medium-sized breed of domestic rabbit. These rabbits also have a friendly personality, making them a good pet choice.

- Lifespan: 7 years
- price in India: Rs. 3000
New Zealand White
New Zealand White rabbits make ideal pets for children because of their docile, calm nature. They’re easy to train and can be taught tricks. Due to their size, they are a particularly strong breed, and care should be taken when handling them.

- Lifespan: 8 years
- price in India: Rs. 2000
English Lop
The English Lop is best known for its long, oversized ears on either side of its face. The ears are round and should not point at the end. They have large heads with wide-set eyes and mandolin-shaped bodies. Their feet should be straight, with the front feet not bow-legged or bent, and the tail should be straight (not screwed).

- Lifespan: 6 years
- price in India: Rs. 2000
English Spot
The English Spot is a medium-sized breed most noted by the distinctive coloured markings on its body, including the butterfly nose marking, eye circles, cheek spots, herringbone, coloured ears, and a chain of spots. The English Spot’s fur type is flyback. The breed has seven varieties: black, blue, chocolate, lilac, tortoise, grey, and gold. English Spots have a whole arch body, with long front legs that carry them off the table. English Spots are most known for their curious and fun-loving nature.

- Lifespan: 7 years
- price in India: Rs. 2000
Soviet Chinchilla
The soviet chinchillas have the densest fur of all mammals that live on land. In the water, the sea otter has a thicker coat.
Chinchillas require special care as they often tend to fall sick.

- Lifespan: 9 years
- price in India: Rs. 2000
Dutch Rabbit
Rounded and balanced — that’s the body shape of an ideal Dutch rabbit. These small rabbits, typically 3.5 to 5.5 pounds, sport distinctive markings that make them unforgettable. Dutch is the only breed to guess when you see the white blaze on the nose, white collar around the neck, and white saddle on the back. Despite the name, this popular breed was first developed in England.
The Dutch dwarf rabbits are also known as Netherland dwarf rabbits. These types of rabbit breeds are one of the most miniature rabbit breeds. The Dwarfing gene is dominant in them; therefore, they appear to be small in size. They weigh 1.13 kgs only.

- Lifespan: 9 years
- price in India: Rs. 3000
Flemish Giant
As one of the oldest recognized breeds and one of the largest, the Flemish Giant makes quite an impression in the rabbit world. Developed in Belgium, this breed is known for being gentle. The American Rabbit Breeders Association recognizes Flemish Giants in seven varieties and is known for having a semi-arch body type.

- lifespan: 10 years
- price in India: Rs. 1500
Satin Rabbits
Satin rabbits originated in the United States in the 1930s and are named for the striking satin sheen on their coat. The unique shine of the coat is caused by a gene mutation that causes the guard hairs to be transparent, reflecting the light unusually. Satin rabbits have a calm temperament and are generally very good-natured. They are gentle, friendly rabbits and usually good with children.

- Lifespan: 5-8 years
- price in India: Rs. 5000
American Rabbit
The American Livestock Breed Conservancy considers the American rabbit a rare breed, which lists the American as critical. This breed possesses a calm temperament, making it an excellent project. They come in two varieties (colours): Blue and White.

- Lifespan: 9 years
- price in India: Rs. 4000
Dwarf Rabbit
Netherland Dwarf rabbits are a unique breed that will give your home extra excitement and personality. This breed of rabbits was honed over multiple generations to perfect its petite size and friendly nature.
While Netherland Dwarf rabbits can seem skittish initially and even hesitant around loud noises, they quickly become part of the family once they become comfortable in a new location.
These bunnies are quite active, and their small frames are pretty comical as they dart around a room.

- Lifespan: 11 years
- price in India: Rs. 2000
Himalayan Rabbit
The Himalayan rabbit is one of the oldest rabbit breeds, so much so that its origin has practically been lost in history. Some say it did indeed originate somewhere in the Himalayan mountain area. However, others describe it as being seen in other regions of the world.

- Lifespan: 9 years
- price in India: Rs. 2000
Californian Rabbit
This rabbit breed has a commercial body type and should ideally weigh 8-11 lbs. They also have muscular bodies with full shoulders and hindquarters, which are as deep as they are wide. Their coat is usually utterly white with Himalayan-like markings. Their ears are broad and medium in length and should point straight up.

- Lifespan: 6 years
- price in India: Rs. 3000
Rex rabbit
The Rex rabbit is a gorgeous bunny with a soft coat that feels like velvet to the touch. They’re a perfect choice for a home looking for a handsome rabbit with an affectionate personality.

- Lifespan: 7 years
- price in India: Rs. 4000
British Angora
Also known as English Angora, these small, compact rabbits have broad, flat heads, short ears, and plenty of woolly fur. They also have fur on their faces (unlike any other Angora) and woolly feet.

- Lifespan: 8 years
- price in India: Rs. 4000
French Angora
The French Angora is one of the woolliest, cutest, and friendliest rabbit breeds. This gentle giant is the star of most rabbit shows and an all-around loving pet. The French Angora has a commercial-type body with a muscular build, sturdy frame, and straight ears.
There are many types of Angora rabbits, but unlike its cousins, the French Angora does not have facial fur. There are some tufts of fur on the rear legs, while the rest of its body is covered with coarse guard hairs and crimped underwool strands.

- Lifespan: 8 years
- price in India: Rs. 2000
Holland Lop
Holland Lops dials up the cuteness factor too high. Small and lop-eared, looking at them usually makes people’s hearts melt. It’s one of the most popular breeds in the United States.
The Holland Lop weighs no more than 4 pounds and has average length, rollback fur, and distinctive lop ears. The standard of perfection for the breed calls for Holland Lops to have a compact, short, massive, and thick body type. It also specifies the ideal for the head, ears, fur, and other characteristics.

- Lifespan: 10 years
- price in India: Rs. 3000
Polish Rabbit
Polish rabbits are a small, compact breed with a finely built frame and large, bold eyes. Their best trait is their personality. They are also gentle, loving, intelligent, and cuddle-bunnies. Because of this, they make excellent pets for children and those individuals with coordination difficulties. Interestingly, they are the most popular breed used by magicians for performances. They are also ideal as exhibit animals for kids and pets for those who live in apartments, as they don’t require much space.

- Lifespan: 5 years
- price in India: Rs. 3000
Jersey Wooly
The Jersey Wooly is one of the most docile rabbits. It’s a famous show rabbit because of its thick, Angora-like coat, but it also makes an adorable pet because of its love for human attention and care.
The Jersey Wooly is a small rabbit developed by crossing the French Angora and the Netherland Dwarf. The resulting rabbits were made smaller with the influence of the dwarfing gene.
Jersey Woolies need not be sheared or trimmed like the Angora rabbit. They’re a low-maintenance breed that only needs to be brushed once a week and more often during shedding seasons to avoid the wool block.

- Lifespan: 10 years
- price in India: Rs. 3000
Harlequin Rabbit
There are two kinds of Harlequin Rabbit: the Magpie Rabbit and the Japanese Harlequin Rabbit. The magpie harlequin rabbit comes in white and usually has a combination of white with black, blue, chocolate, or lilac. However, the colours of the Japanese Harlequin Rabbit are mostly orange mixed with lilac, blue, chocolate, or black. Moreover, the distinctive body marking has different patterns, including bars, bands, and more. Both rabbit breeds are medium-sized with round heads and medium ears.

- Lifespan: 5 years
- price in India: Rs. 3000
Havana Rabbit
The Havana rabbit breed is a lovely breed recognized by the American Rabbit Breeders Club in five colour types. They are beautiful show rabbits with a great shiny coat and good body conformation. They also make very nice pets with their sweet natures.

- Lifespan: 9 years
- price in India: Rs. 4000
Netherland Dwarf Rabbit
Netherland Dwarf rabbits are a unique breed that will give your home extra excitement and personality. This breed of rabbits was honed over multiple generations to perfect its petite size and friendly nature.
While Netherland Dwarf rabbits can seem skittish initially and even hesitant around loud noises, they quickly become part of the family once they become comfortable in a new location.
These bunnies are quite active, and their small frames are pretty comical as they dart around a room.

- Lifespan: 8 years
- price in India: Rs. 3000
Tan Rabbit
The Tan rabbit is a fancy rabbit breed, which means it is famous for showing and exhibitions and being a pet. This old breed has been around since 1880, when domestic rabbits were bred with wild rabbits, and breeders then worked to refine the tan markings.
Although it has been recognized in the US since the 1960s, the Tan has only really begun to gain popularity in recent years. They can be kept as indoor or outdoor pets and are considered good, intelligent, energetic family animals.

- Lifespan: 10 years
- price in India: Rs. 3000
Are rabbits legal in India?
Yes, it is perfectly legal to have a rabbit as a pet.
Most popular rabbit breeds, according to real people on Reddit
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Do rabbits get attached to their owners?
Rabbits bond closely with their owners. They recognize them by voice and sight and will even come on command. Bunnies may even follow their owners from room to room and jump on their laps when called.
What do rabbits hate the most?
Several scents will help keep rabbits away from your home. Most commercially available rabbit repellents replicate the scent of predator musk or urine. Rabbits also hate the smell of blood, crushed red peppers, ammonia, vinegar, and garlic.
Why do rabbits die suddenly?
Fear-related heart attack: A rabbit can die of fright. Loud sounds, such as cats, dogs, loud music, or screaming, can lead to a heart attack and put a rabbit into shock, causing sudden death. It can take several days for the rabbit to die this way, and it does not happen often, but it is quite possible.
What foods can kill a rabbit?
Sugary human foods such as candy and soda are harmful to rabbits. Bunnies should not eat chocolate, avocado, apple seeds, tomato plants, almonds, belladonna, foxglove, or wild carrots. Other dangerous foods include ragwort, wild peas, and bracken.
Are rabbits rodents?
Rabbits differ from rodents in having an extra pair of incisors and other skeletal features.
Are rabbits nocturnal?
Rabbits are crepuscular, i.e., most active at dawn and dusk. Rabbits sleep often during the day, so many assume they’re nocturnal, but that’s not true.
Are rabbits good pets?
Although they are cute, rabbits are NOT good pets for children. They are prey animals who hate being picked up from the floor and cuddled.
Are rabbits herbivores?
Yes, they have a plant-based diet and do not eat meat.
Do rabbits eat fruits and vegetables?
Rabbits don’t naturally eat root vegetables/fruit. Carrots/fruit are high in sugar and should only be fed in small amounts as occasional treats. Rabbits need mainly hay and/or grass, some leafy greens, and a small, measured amount of pellets.
What fruits can bunnies eat?
Give to a bunny once or twice per week
Apple (no seeds)
Berries: blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, raspberries, cranberries.
Cherries (no seeds)
What fruits can Rabbits not eat?
Rabbits should never be fed avocado, fruit pips, or rhubarb. Even small amounts of these foods can be fatal. Other foods such as muesli, dog or cat food, and nuts are not toxic to rabbits, but they can lead to illnesses and digestive problems, such as diarrhoea if consumed regularly.
Do rabbits eat apples?
Feed your rabbit only 1 or 2 slices of apple per week. Although apples are rich in flavonoids, antioxidants, and fibre, they’re also high in sugar. This can cause dental problems and obesity in rabbits. Apples are delicious treats for rabbits.
What is better, a bunny or a guinea pig?
Rabbits have more personality and make better companion pets. They also have more complex needs, so guinea pigs are less of a responsibility than rabbits. Rabbits are an excellent company if you have time and can adhere to a schedule. Guinea pigs are less demanding family pets. Guinea pigs are a little more fragile than rabbits and are more suitable for older children. Younger children (under constant adult supervision) can handle a lot of different rabbit breeds. Rabbits do have more neurons in their brains than guinea pigs do. This should have made them more innovative and more intelligent than guinea pigs.
Which is the largest rabbit breed?

The Flemish Giant rabbit is a massive breed of domestic rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus domesticus), usually considered the biggest breed.
Which is the smallest rabbit breed?
The Netherland Dwarf is the smallest of the domestic rabbits.
Which is the best temperament rabbit breed?
Jersey Wooly Rabbit.
Dutch Rabbit.
Mini Lop Rabbit.
Chinchilla Rabbit.
Polish Rabbit.
Lionhead Rabbit.
Californian Rabbit.
Himalayan Rabbit
Can we keep rabbits as pets in India?
Imported rabbit breeds are legally permitted to be kept as pets in India, while native wild rabbit breeds are not allowed as pets. As per the Wild Life Protection Act of 1972, rabbits native to India are termed wild and protected.
I am a pet expert dealing with Cats, Dogs, Birds, Rabbits and Aquarium fish for the last 10 years. Now it is time to share my knowledge with you. I am very passionate about sharing everything that I learned so far about pet care. Watch my Youtube channel Petfather
where can I buy a holland lop rabbit?
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